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TOJONG HERB Konjac Rice 500g(1.1LB)

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SKU: TJ95452812
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TOJONG HERB Konjac Rice 500g(1.1LB)

Feel full with a light but hearty meal! Calories DOW!

Tojong Village products are HACCP-certified and clean.

Good habits your body needs, original konjac rice

Konjac is a processed food made from the kohlrabi tree’s kohlrabi. Mannan, made by drying, grinding, and polishing konjac, mixes with water to form a viscous colloidal liquid. Edible konjac is made by adding alkaline food to it, heating it, and then cooling it. Glucomannan contained in konjac is known to contain moisture and dietary fiber as its main ingredients.

Unwashed konjac rice that can be used immediately without washing

This is washed konjac rice that reduces cooking time. You can eat with confidence that this is native village konjac rice manufactured in a clean facility that has passed HACCP certification.

I recommend it to these people.

  • Those who want to control their diet by eating all three meals a day
  • Those who find it difficult to endure hunger
  • Those who want to enjoy the chewy texture of konjac rice
  • Those who want to control their eating habits along with exercise
  • People who overeat every time they eat

Konjac rice recipe

  1. Add konjac rice and washed white rice. (At first, cook the konjac rice by adjusting it to 8 parts rice to 2 parts konjac rice or 8 parts rice to 3 parts konjac rice.) * Use the konjac rice right away without soaking it in water!
  2. Cook as you normally would, but add a little less water.
  3. Mix the konjac rice well and enjoy.

토종마을 오리지널 곤약쌀 500g(1.1LB)

가볍지만 든든한 한끼로 포만감 UP! 칼로리 DOW!

토종마을 제품들은 HACCP 인증되어 깨끗합니다.

내 몸에 필요한 좋은 습관, 오리지널 곤약쌀

곤약은 구약나무의 알줄기로 만든 가공식품입니다. 구약을 건조, 분쇄, 도정해서 만든 만난(mannan)은 물과 만나 점성이 있는 콜로이드액이 되는데 여기에 알칼리성 식품을 첨가하여 가열한 후 식혀 만든 것이 바로 식용 곤약입니다. 곤약에 들어있는 글루코만난은 주 성분이 수분과 식이섬유로 알려져 있습니다.

씻지 않고 바로 사용 가능한 무세미 곤약쌀

요리 시간을 단축시켜주는 씻어 나온 곤약쌀입니다. HACCP 인증을 거친 청결한 시설에서 제조한 토종마을 곤약쌀이라 믿고 드실 수 있습니다.

이런 분들께 추천합니다.

  • 하루 세끼 다 먹으며 식단조절을 하고 싶으신 분
  • 배고픔을 견디기 힘드신 분
  • 쫀득쫀득한 곤약밥의 식감을 즐기고 싶으신 분
  • 운동과 함께 식습관 조절도 하고 싶으신 분
  • 식사를 할 때마다 과식하게 되는 분

곤약쌀 조리법

  1. 곤약쌀과 세척한 흰쌀을 넣어주세요. (곤약쌀을 처음에는 쌀 8: 곤약쌀 2 또는 쌀 8: 곤약쌀 3 정도로 조절하여 밥을 지어 주세요.) * 곤약쌀은 물에 불리지 말고 바로 사용해주세요!
  2. 평소 밥을 짓듯이 하되, 물양을 조금 적게 넣어주세요.
  3. 곤약쌀을 잘 섞어서 맛있게 드세요.

Regular Delivery
Whenever your order is received, Timely Basket Teams work hard and fast. We carefully pack your items and send them to the shipping carrier within 1-2 days. Shipping time usually takes 3 business days, depending on your location. 

For Fresh delivery, your fresh items are packed with refrigerated packaging. Depending on your location, your order fulfillment might take longer than usual to avoid standstill time at the carrier during the weekend

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