MONGGO FOODS Seasoned Soy Sauce For Soup & Stew 500mL(16.9 fl oz)
MONGGO FOODS Seasoned Soy Sauce For Soup & Stew 500mL(16.9 fl oz)
Product Features:
- Refreshing and savory Mongo's all-purpose soy sauce with just one spoon for soups and stews
- The flavor improves with Korean kelp and shiitake mushrooms!
- The savory flavor increases with Korean seafood!
Easy and delicious soup with just one spoon, no additional ingredients!
This secret soy sauce makes soups and stews refreshing and delicious. Just one spoon of Mongo's all-purpose flavored soy sauce does not require making separate broth.
The secret to delicious all-purpose soy sauce is that it is made with Mongo's brewed soy sauce.
Using Mongo's brewed soy sauce as a base, the all-purpose soy sauce tastes soft and mild.
13 different ingredients make the dish even more delicious.
13 secret spices and seafood are carefully brewed to enhance the taste of soups and stews with the refreshing seafood flavor and natural persimmon flavor.
몽고 만능 맛간장 - 국 & 찌개용 500mL(16.9 fl oz)
제품의 특징:
- 한 스푼으로 시원하고 감칠맛 깊은 몽고 만능 맛간장 국 & 찌개용
- 한국산 다시마와 표고 버섯으로 풍미는 UP!
- 한국산 해물로 감칠맛도 UP!
추가 재료 없이 한 스푼으로 국물을 쉽고 맛있게!
별도로 육수를 만들 필요 없이 몽고 만능 맛간장 한 스푼으로 국이나 찌개를 시원하고 맛깔나게 해주는 비법 간장입니다.
맛있는 만능 맛간장의 비법, 몽고 양조간장으로 만들었습니다.
몽고 양조간장을 베이스로 사용해 만능 맛간장의 맛이 부드럽고 순합니다.
13가지 다양한 재료로 요리를 더욱 맛깔나게 합니다.
13가지 비법 향신재료와 해산물을 정성껏 우려내 시원한 해물맛과 천연 감칭맛이 국이나 찌개 요리의 맛을 올려줍니다.
Water, Salt, Defatted Soybean, Wheat, Alcohol, Katsuo Extract, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Vegetable Extract, Crab Extract, Shrimp Extract, Garlic Extract, Yeast Powder, Ginger Extract, Radish Extract, Wheat Gluten, Kelp Extract.
정제수, 천일염, 탈지대두, 소맥, 주정, 가쓰오엑기스. 기타과당, 야채추출농축액, 게엑기스, 새우엑기스, 마늘농축액, 효모분말, 생강농축액, 무즙농축액, 아미노MW1, 다시마추출액
대두, 밀, 게, 새우 함유
Regular Delivery
Whenever your order is received, Timely Basket Teams work hard and fast. We carefully pack your items and send them to the shipping carrier within 1-2 days. Shipping time usually takes 3 business days, depending on your location.
For Fresh delivery, your fresh items are packed with refrigerated packaging. Depending on your location, your order fulfillment might take longer than usual to avoid standstill time at the carrier during the weekend