PALDO Pororo Jjajang Small 6-CUP (65gx6)
PALDO Pororo Jjajang Small 6-CUP (65gx6)
A mild and delicious children's snack that is not salty and contains calcium!
It's not salty and contains calcium~
It's a convenient cup Jjajang ramen that is not salty and contains calcium.
It's healthy because it contains calcium~
It contains calcium, so even growing children can enjoy it deliciously.
Enjoy it without worrying about calories or sodium~
Calories and sodium have been minimized so that children can eat it with confidence.
Pororo Jjajang Ramen Recipe
- Take out the soup from the container.
- Pour boiling water up to the indicated line and wait for 4 minutes.
- Poke a hole in the lid and drain the water. Leave a little water to mix it better~
- Add the powdered soup and mix well.
- Now you can enjoy it!
팔도 뽀로로 짜장 컵라면 6입
짜지 않아 고소하고 칼슘이 함유되어 있는 순하고 맛있는 어린이 간식!
짜지 않아 고소해요~
간편한 컵라면 형태의 짜장 라면으로 짜지 않아 고소합니다.
칼슘이 함유되어 있어 건강해요~
칼슘이 들어있어 성장기 어린이도 맛있게 즐길 수 있습니다.
열량도, 나트륨도 부담 없이 즐겨요~
아이들도 안심하고 먹을 수 있도록 열량과 나트륨을 최소화하였습니다.
뽀로로 짜장라면 조리방법
- 용기안에서 스프를 꺼냅니다.
- 끓는 물을 표시선까지 붓고 4분만 기다려요.
- 뚜껑에 구멍을 뚫어 물을 버려주세요. 물을 조금 남겨야 더 잘 비벼져요~
- 분말스프를 넣어 잘 비벼주세요.
- 이제 맛있게 먹으면 돼요!
Regular Delivery
Whenever your order is received, Timely Basket Teams work hard and fast. We carefully pack your items and send them to the shipping carrier within 1-2 days. Shipping time usually takes 3 business days, depending on your location.
For Fresh delivery, your fresh items are packed with refrigerated packaging. Depending on your location, your order fulfillment might take longer than usual to avoid standstill time at the carrier during the weekend