CJ Konjac Rice Bowl with Oat and Black Rice 150g(5.29oz)
Oat black rice konjac rice with a bouncy texture made with oats and black rice
Konjac rice 35.1%, oats 29.9%, black rice 12.5%
Just the taste of Hetbahn, lighten your heart!
The satiety of 'konjac' makes you feel full even after eating just one bowl.
Even with just 160Kcal, there are plenty of nutrients!
Made with whole grains and filled with the dietary fiber of more than two bananas.
It contains 5.5g of dietary fiber!
Golden combination of konjac and mixed grains
The golden combination discovered by rice expert Hetbahn after testing for over 4 years!
You can keep the same side dishes you used to eat, but now change the rice and enjoy it with a light heart.
Microwave Recipes
After removing the packaging up to the dotted line, cook it in the microwave.
- 700W: 1 unit for 2 minutes, 2 units for 3 minutes
- 1,000W: 1 unit for 1 minute and 30 seconds, 2 units for 2 minutes and 30 seconds
Boiling water recipe
Do not open the product in boiling water. Put the entire container in and boil for 10 minutes.
CJ 햇반 귀리흑미곤약밥 150g(5.29oz)
귀리와 흑미를 넣어 탱글탱글 식감을 살린 귀리 흑미 곤약밥
곤약쌀 35.1%, 귀리 29.9%, 흑미 12.5%
햇반의 맛은 그대로, 마음은 가볍게!
'곤약'의 포만감으로 한 공기를 먹어도 든든합니다.
160Kcal에도 영양소는 쏙쏙!
통곡물로 지어 바나나 2개 이상의 식이섬유를 채웠습니다.
5.5g의 식이섬유 함유!
곤약과 잡곡의 황금 배합
밥 전문가 햇반이 4년 넘게 테스트하여 찾아낸 황금 배합!
기존 먹던 반찬은 그대로, 이제 밥만 바꾸어 가벼운 마음으로 드세요.
전자레인지 조리법
점선 부분까지 포장을 벗기신 후, 전자레인지에 넣어 조리해주세요.
- 700W: 1개 2분, 2개 3분
- 1,000W: 1개 1분 30초, 2개 2분 30초
끓는물 조리법
끓는 물에 제품을 개봉하지 마시고 용기째로 넣어 10분간 끓여주세요.
Regular Delivery
Whenever your order is received, Timely Basket Teams work hard and fast. We carefully pack your items and send them to the shipping carrier within 1-2 days. Shipping time usually takes 3 business days, depending on your location.
For Fresh delivery, your fresh items are packed with refrigerated packaging. Depending on your location, your order fulfillment might take longer than usual to avoid standstill time at the carrier during the weekend