CANTABILE Sweet Americano Pouch 230mL(7.77 fl oz)
CANTABILE Sweet Americano Pouch 230mL(7.77 fl oz)
A deep-flavored black Americano with a sweet scent and a gentle sweetness!
What is the secret to Cantabile’s high-quality coffee?
Cantabile coffee is produced at the highest quality through low-temperature extraction of coffee concentrate and high-pressure low-temperature sterilization technology to maintain flavor.
Choice of coffee beans
Carefully selected high-quality coffee beans from Brazil and Columbia blended at the best ratio!
Deep espresso aroma
Coffee extract extracted by roasting and grinding coffee beans of a certain grade or higher contains more than 35.5% solid content!
칸타빌레 스위트 아메리카노 파우치 230mL(7.77 fl oz)
깊은 풍미가 느껴지는 블랙 아메리카노에 달달한 향을 함유해 부드러운 단맛!
칸타빌레 고품격 커피 맛의 비결은?
칸타빌레 커피는 풍미 유지를 위한 커피 원액 저온추출 디술과 고압저온 살균기술을 통해 최상의 품질로 생산하고 있습니다.
까다로운 원두 선택
콜롬비아 & 브라질의 품격있는 원두를 엄선하여 최상의 비율로 블렌딩
깊은 에스프레소 향
일정 등급 이상의 원두를 로스팅 및 분쇄하여 추출한 커피추출액 고형분 35.5% 이상 함유
Regular Delivery
Whenever your order is received, Timely Basket Teams work hard and fast. We carefully pack your items and send them to the shipping carrier within 1-2 days. Shipping time usually takes 3 business days, depending on your location.
For Fresh delivery, your fresh items are packed with refrigerated packaging. Depending on your location, your order fulfillment might take longer than usual to avoid standstill time at the carrier during the weekend