BEYOND Deep Moisture Body Wash Duo Set
BEYOND Deep Moisture Body Wash Duo Set
This body wash duo set gently cleanses impurities with creamy foam. It contains Skin Memic Ceramide Complex and leaves your shower moisturized.
- Beyond Deep Moisture Creamy Body Wash 500mL (16.9 fl. oz.) x 2EA
How to use
When showering or bathing, apply an appropriate amount to a shower puff or sponge, create a lather, massage over the entire body, and then rinse with clean water.
비욘드 딥 모이스처 바디 워시 듀오 기획 세트
크림같은 거품이 노폐물을 부드럽게 클렌징해주는 바디 워시 듀오 세트입니다. 스킨미믹 세라마이드 콤플렉스를 함유하였으며, 샤워를 촉촉하게 마무리합니다.
- 비욘드 딥 모이스처 크리미 바디 워시 500mL(16.9 fl. oz.) x 2EA
사용 방법
샤워나 목욕 시 적당량을 샤워 퍼프나 스폰지에 덜어 거품을 내고 전신에 마사지하듯 문지른 다음, 깨끗한 물로 헹구어 냅니다.
Regular Delivery
Whenever your order is received, Timely Basket Teams work hard and fast. We carefully pack your items and send them to the shipping carrier within 1-2 days. Shipping time usually takes 3 business days, depending on your location.
For Fresh delivery, your fresh items are packed with refrigerated packaging. Depending on your location, your order fulfillment might take longer than usual to avoid standstill time at the carrier during the weekend